Aljazeera TV ' Parasitizes Paint ', Documentary on Pilar Mateo and her technology Inesfly against Chagas disease.

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Parasite Paint (Aljazeera TV Subs. English) - Pilar Mateo With Inesfly Paint. from Pilar Mateo on Vimeo.

Documentary made by Aljazeera TV on the technology of micro-encapsulation developed by Doctor Pilar Mateo: Inesfly, insecticide painting of slow liberation. And her application and efficiency to attack Chagas in the Bolivian “Chaco”. Subtitled in Spanish. Aljazeera's original video TV

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Dr Pilar Mateo Herrero.

+(34) 963 974 492

Camí de La Pascualeta, 5 46200 Paiporta (Valencia)