Inventor Women: Pilar Mateo. Protectia Patents and Marks

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Spanish panorama offers numerous academic and investigative women, (supporting the level of Spain over the European average, according to the report " Scientific in numbers") inventor women and scientific that have helped to enrich enormously the cultural heritage of the country, apart from developing technical solutions that contribute memorable improvements in the life of all.
One of the professionals that I try to honor with these lines is Pilar Mateo: She confers a Doctor's Degree in Chemistry by the University of Valencia, investigative and enterpreneur, principally recognized by her pioneering formula to attack endemic diseases as the malaria or dengue, which materializes in the painting called "Inesfly".



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I´m in

Dr Pilar Mateo Herrero.

+(34) 963 974 492

Camí de La Pascualeta, 5 46200 Paiporta (Valencia)