Pilar Mateo will open a Company in Africa of painting to attack malaria

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Valencian Doctor Pilar Mateo has announced that an international group will make a great investment for the opening in the capital of Ghana, Accra, of the company Inesfly Africa, to make painting for walls that allow attacking endemic diseases as malaria.
Mateo, creator of the formula of microcapsules in the body of a painting wall that can transport and liberate insecticides in a slow and controlled form and to avoid the resistance of insects, is an owner of the patent, who has yielded in sole right the investors in order that they could make and commercialize the product in Africa.
 From: elcorreo.com

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Dr Pilar Mateo Herrero.

+(34) 963 974 492


Camí de La Pascualeta, 5 46200 Paiporta (Valencia)